2 Trimble Transportation The Fleet Manager’s Essential Guide to Evolving Wireless Networks A Quick Primer on the Necessity for Advanced Wireless Networks Here’s a fact: The average U.S. household now has 11 Wi-Fi-enabled smart devices. Phones, tablets, smart watches – they all inundate our lives as we demand faster speeds for more content. As a result, the day of reckoning for our current mobile network infrastructure has come. Fleet managers who take this seriously are in a unique position to make a major advancement for their operations. While there seems to be an infinite supply of Wi-Fi enabled devices, there’s a finite amount of spectrum to go around. The transmission of real-time data and continuous internet connectivity requires networks to be better, faster and provide more coverage. This all boils down to the fact that networks need more bandwidth and frequencies to keep up with today’s – and tomorrow’s – demands for faster, better data transmission. Think of it like a highway, where frequencies are the lanes. Each lane can only hold so many cars. LTE is about going from a one-lane street to a three-lane highway – with more bandwidth and frequency to Why is now the time? connect us all at a faster and more reliable rate. By making the investment now for your fleet, the upgrade will provide benefits that will be priceless down the line. From this ebook, you will: | Achieve a better understanding of how wireless carriers are repurposing older networks. | Understand what this means for your older onboard equipment. | Realize the short-term and long-term benefits of advanced connectivity through 4G LTE networks. 75 b devices are forecasted by 2025 $ 35 . 4 b trucking app market by 2025 20.8 b devices connected to the internet in 2020

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