Understanding After transitioning to ELDs, the first question you This sunset started last year and will continue over While your current technology provider may offer 4G # might have is: “why do I need to upgrade my in-cab the course of the next couple of years. Although it is LTE connectivity, do you know if your fleet’s devices 1 the Concept of technology if it is compliant with the ELD mandate?” a phased approach, that doesn’t mean that you won’t are capable of connecting to 4G LTE networks? If not, It’s a fair question and, while we will detail the feel the impact of these sunsets in the meantime. can they help to identify how the network sunsets are Wireless Network technological benefits of upgrading later in this guide, A good analogy is an abandoned road: at first, you impacting coverage, both now and as wireless carriers Sunsets a key driver behind the need to make the switch is the might still be able to access it, but over time the lack continue to repurpose older cellular infrastructure? impending sunset of older 3G wireless networks. of maintenance and repair make it impossible to use. If you aren’t utilizing LTE-capable hardware this will Although you may be aware of some details on the We expect the sunsets will happen gradually, with likely require a hardware change on the vehicle to 3G wireless network sunsets, here’s a refresher: U.S. providers cutting back coverage in lower volume ensure the devices and drivers who rely on them can wireless carriers have begun to repurpose older 2G areas, resulting in coverage gaps prior to full network stay connected in the face of network sunsets. and 3G CDMA and GSM networks in favor of further shutdowns. investment in newer 4G LTE networks. This means that any in-cab devices that rely on these older networks will become obsolete.

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